Saturday, February 26, 2011

To do list for my nation

What I wanted to do and couldn't for my nation:
My thoughts:

1) Make India into Indian Union with all these states as different sovereign nations with their own constitution and set of rules, their own languages and their own set of rules to rule the nation.
There would however be a single currency so the Business goes as usual but each small nation needs a VISA to travel to other nations.

2) Don't want any beggars in my city/town/village, want to rehabilitate all of them and everyone of them should realize the meaning of life and learn to work for living their own lives. 
So Beggars' problem would be solved, they live the same life as others

3) Derecognize caste/religion in the constitution:
so it means that our Constitution has only three categories of people, women and men and hijras.
Ah! how would our society looks after this change, it would be complete serenity and calm. There would be no differences and no fights on the basis of religion/caste.

3) Add "right to education" as a fundamental/compulsory right till 15 yrs of age, so everyone should be sent to school irrespective of their interest till 15 yrs. There would be no fees in any of the Government schools and no admission tests. Any one can join irrespective of caste, creed, gender, religion etc.

4) Drinking water and water for use shouldn't be chargeable, every home should be connected to the water and sewage

5) Every earning person in the country should pay taxes, there are no deviations and no exemptions.
Taxes are calculated either 10%, 20% etc

6) Every citizen in the country should have free medical facilities irrespective of any biases.
7) Every person who has more than a child should pay no. of childs * 10% more tax to the government

8) All kinds of marriages are allowed and there are no restrictions on the types of marriages

9) Complete Afforestation Drive

10) Linking up of all rivers and constructing DAMs where ever necessary

11) Every elderly person >60 years should be getting pension

12) Police system should be easily available to all citizens with a single call

13) Strengthening Judicial system

14) Strict laws against corruption and other malpractices

15) A very stong and ruthless law against hooligans, terrorists and other crimes

16) all kinds of voting in Online only there by saving thousands of crores

17) All legal/government transactions made online, no paper at all

18) Compulsory for every citizen between 21 and 28 to serve in the Army for a min. period of 1 yr

19) Democracy with president elected directly by people by Vote like USA

That's for now, 'll add more when I got more ideas

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