Life is different.
Yes it is but its different from normal when you are drunk.
Yes I am drunk, I love it and for the first time since my return from India I am drunk and I am loving it. I love each sip of my scotch.
My blood likes every atom of ethyl alcohol. Its so cool, it doesn't get digested.
But why is it alcohol gives you this feeling of excitement?
why is it so different every time you taste it?
Why and why?
I now feel exhilarated, I feel over excited, I feel different, I feel that I am in heaven. I feel I have everything with me.
I feel I don't know what I feel???
Its so beautiful, so nice, sweet like a girl's smile.
girls?? again? when did I stop thinking about girls?? never since I was thirteen?
Will I ever stop, never?
I think I would still think and talk about girls on my pyre??? sounds funny but that's true.
God gave me so much of positivity that I long for -vity; that is for the opposite and which is nothing but "girls".
I am posting this but what would people think of me when they read this? Its the same, that I am crazy and mad and that I have a genetic problem.
I too feel the same that in my DNA structure, there is an extra code which always make my actions "hatke".
Ok, now all this blabbering is just nothing, they don't make sense. But these are what we call the output of a program.
The input to my brain is ethyl alcohol and the output is a blog post.
How nice, I can write books and novels and so many if I just drink and drink.
Enough is enough, I should stop this nonsense.
Happy reading and drinking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes it is but its different from normal when you are drunk.
Yes I am drunk, I love it and for the first time since my return from India I am drunk and I am loving it. I love each sip of my scotch.
My blood likes every atom of ethyl alcohol. Its so cool, it doesn't get digested.
But why is it alcohol gives you this feeling of excitement?
why is it so different every time you taste it?
Why and why?
I now feel exhilarated, I feel over excited, I feel different, I feel that I am in heaven. I feel I have everything with me.
I feel I don't know what I feel???
Its so beautiful, so nice, sweet like a girl's smile.
girls?? again? when did I stop thinking about girls?? never since I was thirteen?
Will I ever stop, never?
I think I would still think and talk about girls on my pyre??? sounds funny but that's true.
God gave me so much of positivity that I long for -vity; that is for the opposite and which is nothing but "girls".
I am posting this but what would people think of me when they read this? Its the same, that I am crazy and mad and that I have a genetic problem.
I too feel the same that in my DNA structure, there is an extra code which always make my actions "hatke".
Ok, now all this blabbering is just nothing, they don't make sense. But these are what we call the output of a program.
The input to my brain is ethyl alcohol and the output is a blog post.
How nice, I can write books and novels and so many if I just drink and drink.
Enough is enough, I should stop this nonsense.
Happy reading and drinking !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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