She is not a new age Woman.
She is been there for centuries and centuries but we don't really feel that.
She is been with us since our birth and before our birth, she is probably the only one that hasn't really changed since then.
She is a mighty cook; she has recipes for a range of dishes.
I never saw my grand ma learning something new, there is no such thing as unknown to her.
She has a solution ready for every problem, an expert in house hold savings system, I am sure no one can beat her.
My grandmother is a very active person, she never takes rest, she probably doesn't know how to take rest.
She always says a person should work till he dies and that's the way she continues her living day by day and year after year. There is no change in her schedule.
She is the one who gets up early in the morning, sweeps the floors, makes Tea/Coffee and what ever is required for the persons in the house. Then she starts preparing for the remaining day, cleaning rice, cutting vegetables etc and simultaneously preparing for the breakfast.
I would say that these things are common to a mother and a grand mother, after all an aged mother is what becomes a grand mother.
She is now 68, 2 more years to complete another decade in her life; If I ask her she really doesn't remember, she says an approximate number and doesn't even remember her birthday; She doesn't know how long she will be alive nor does she prays to live longer. "Whatever happens life moves on and the schedule continues" says she.
My grandfather and my grand mother always fight with each other; to all of us it seems strange how long do they fight and why don't one of them stays calm; But nay the battle never stops and they just continues fighting but there is always this love for each other which is what keeps them going.
Whenever it comes to taking the first bait, my grandfather is a step head and when it comes to withdrawal, my grandmother has her duty first to respect her husband and takes the lead to withdraw from the battle.
She loves children, she takes care of her younger sisters when she is in her teens; she looks after her own children after marriage and then her children's children. There is no greater strength needed to do all these, love is what drives her and sheer joy in looking after her progenies.
We don't have first aid kits in our homes, a grand mother is the certified First Aider in any house and she has all recipes ready in case of a first aid.
She never wastes anything; what ever is left for breakfast, she makes those for a part of lunch as a new dish and the left overs from lunch gets carried forward to dinner and from the dinner to the next morning's breakfast.
She just can't allow something to get spoiled, if there is really so much then she gives to the beggars.
She still uses all the utensils/dish items/spoons/bottles etc given during her marriage and all those items accumulated during her course of life.
She secures all the old steel/iron items and she exchanges with the street vendors. I would always see a pile of Plastic Bags, old unusable items neatly packed and ready for a dispatch in a corner.
She attends every function in the neighborhood and of course she is the chief advisor in all other's houses who have no grand mothers.
She is also the best maid woman during a child birth.
She is a devout religious woman; Goes to temple daily and always prays for her family/children and grand children but never once for her.
She suffers silently and never complains of her physical ailments; Only on compulsion does she agree for a doctor's visit otherwise she just carries on with her house hold treatment.
My grandmother still survives and I am sure she does even after my grand pa's death. There is so much that I can write about her and it would make a classic.
Despite all her greatness, her patience, her calming attitude and her immense service to others, she is never appreciated and never accepts gifts, she would still be a core part of the family.
Here role is irreplaceable in any family and I salute her for all her greatness and modesty.
I am still fortunate to have my grandmother alive and I really Love Her.
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