Sunday, March 21, 2021

my training routine and progress updates

I've never done this before, I mean not the weight training but tracking the progress like now.
So like many people in instagram and youtube I have now started to track my training, build some muscle and lose some fat.
Not sure how far I would go with kids at home and not so conducive family environment.
But I will keep trying.
I've started this somewhere in Jan 2021, so its been 2 months now.
Here are some pics along the way, may be 17th or 18 th marc 2021

Friday, March 12, 2021

one of Amir khan's old movie songs tune copied from "child in mine" song by the Artist, Deep purple

I am struggling to recollect, i thought it could be "jo jeetha wahin sikander" but its not.
I think some movie during thosentimes.
I will update here as and when i get the name

Thursday, February 4, 2021

tomato season 2021

With wet summer, not many tomatoes,
Around 6 or 7 and one took a month or more to turn red, here it is

Monday, January 18, 2021

strawberry season 2020/21

Great season this summer, especially after i sprayed the fertilizer with phosphorous, magnesium etc..
Look at this picture, these were from just one pickings
Now look at the next day, still got many.
More again